Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Humans legacy...

The waste or detritus of us, human life, is collecting in a swirling current so huge that it defies precise measurement. Bottle caps, fish-nets, plastic products, brushes, inhabit the Pacific garbage patch, an area of dispersed trash which doubles every decade and is now twice the size of Texas is an issue, scientist can tell.
An area of currents and slack winds keep the trash swirling in a giant whirlpool. Plastic is the most common material floating around which will do so for years because of its lightweight, durable and is an omnipresent, disposable product in our societies. After years when it splits into pieces, millions, billions and trillions of particles will float around being a danger for fish that feed on plankton and furthermore ingest the tiny plastic particles. PCBs, DDT and other toxic chemicals will be transferred into the food humans consume therefore a threat we’re facing.
Just a reminder that there is nowhere that is not affected by humanity…

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